Saturday, February 11, 2012

The Path Well Trodden

To get attendance we sit in class
our minds blank, clear as glass
Turn up the music in our ears
as confined here we waste four years
Society approves, calls it learning
in reality it's just money burning
because education has been capitalized
institutions are all privatized
make a hefty "donation" and admission is "Free"
Four years later, collect your degree
concept is a foreign word
rare like an exotic bird
few have seen it and fewer still
care about it and in themselves instill
a thirst for knowledge, a passion for learning
the rest only care about earning
but why would a company pay well for a job
performed by one with sense comparable to a corn on cob

So if you're on this well trodden path
and yearn for success
Go take a bath
and start afresh

Friday, February 10, 2012

Ensnared in Dreams

Welcome stranger to my lair
where we build castles in the air
but to realize them, do you dare?

Step inside, you'll feel fine
up here on cloud number nine
we have the finest bottles of wine

Gin and tonic and champagne
will make you forget all your pain
Dreamland Express starts here, don't miss the train!
His scream echoed across the lake
the valley acknowledged his cries of pain
and to help him through his ache
the gods sent down a shower of rain

He held his breath and closed his eyes
the remained, no surprise.

And now you see the gun in his hand
as he shoots himself and leaves the land.