Wednesday, April 22, 2009


For a long time now...i have had this haunting feeling that i am different...I look, talk, and walk just like any other normal human being...but deep within me i have always had this feeling...that i am more...i am different...
If human beings are the mundane homo sapiens then i am homo supremus. The fact remains that although i have managed to hide it for the last so many is becoming increasingly difficult to fit fake pretend...
Every second of the day, i am having to live in this mortal fear, that should my superpower become known, i shall have to flee...i cannot afford to put my loved ones in such danger...

But then i think...since i have been blessed with such power, is it not my duty to use it to help the weak, poor and downtrodden?..the poor creatures floundering in the dark awaiting the one who will flip the light switch for them...

I have decided..i shall be the messiah...the one to lead the way...i shall utilize my blessing and be the one...

Pardon? You wish to know what exactly is my superpower?
It is a gerat power...kept secret throughout the years...lying latent untill one with the capabilities and will to use it appears...
It is.... COMMON SENSE...

Monday, April 20, 2009

There Are Two Seas In Palestine

The following is a qoute from The Man Nobody Knows by Bruce Barton and i ask you to ponder the truth in what he has said.

There are two seas in Palestine.One is fersh and fish are in it. Splashes of green adorn its banks.Trees spread their branches over it and stretch out their thirsty roots to sip of its healing waters...
The River Jordan makes this sea with sparkling water from the hills. So it laughs in the sunshine. Men build their houses near to it; and birds build their nests; and every kind of life is hapier because it is there.

The River Jordan flows on south to another sea.

Here no splash of fish, no fluttering leaf, no song of birds, no children's laughter.Travellers choose another route, unless on urgent business.The air hangs heavy above its water and neither beast, nor man, nor fowl will drink.

What makes this mighty difference in these neighbor seas? Not the River Jordan. It empties the same good water into both.Not the soil in which they lie; not the country round about.

This is the difference. The Sea of Galilee recieves but does not keep. For every drop that flows into it, another drop flows out. The giving and receiving go on in equal measure. The other sea is shrewder, hoarding its income jealously. It will not be tempted into any generous impulse. Every drop it gets, it keeps.

The Sea of Galilee gives and lives. This other sea gives nothing. It is named Dead.

There are two kinds of people in this world. There are two seas in Palestine.

What a beautiful and apt description of the two different ways in which we can choose to behave. We can choose to give and live...or just recieve and become like the dead sea.
It is our choice...I choose the Sea of Galilee as my ideal...And its upto you what you wish to choose...

Monday, April 13, 2009

Oxygen - Toxic Gas

Subject: Toxic gas

Oxygen is a very toxic gas and an extreme fire hazard. It is fatal in
concentrations of as little as 0.000001 p.p.m(per parts million). Humans exposed to the
oxygen concentrations die within a few minutes. Symptoms resemble very
much those of cyanide poisoning (blue face, etc.). In higher
concentrations, e.g. 20%, the toxic effect is somewhat delayed and it
takes about 2.5 billion inhalations before death takes place. The reason
for the delay is the difference in the mechanism of the toxic effect of
oxygen in 20% concentration. It apparently contributes to a complex
process called aging, of which very little is known, except that it is
always fatal.

However, the main disadvantage of the 20% oxygen concentration is in the
fact it is habit forming. The first inhalation (occurring at birth) is
sufficient to make oxygen addiction permanent. After that, any
considerable decrease in the daily oxygen doses results in death with
symptoms resembling those of cyanide poisoning.

Oxygen is an extreme fire hazard. All of the fires that were reported in
the continental U.S. for the period of the past 25 years were found to be
due to the presence of this gas in the atmosphere surrounding the buildings
in question.

Oxygen is especially dangerous because it is odorless, colorless and
tasteless, so that its presence cannot be readily detected until it is
too late.
-- Chemical & Engineering News February 6, 1956

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Welcome to Geekdom

In today's world, ignorance seems to be the 'in' thing. Anyone with the least bit of common sense is labelled as "oversmart". And heaven help the poor soul who likes to learn and takes an interest in stuff apart from the regular subjects forced upon him by the education system. "Geek"..."nerd"..."genius" (in a highly sarcastic way of course)...and more specific labels are created as and when required.

Why is it that in the current scenario, knowledge is knowing the release dates of all of next month's movies and a well read person is one who can recall every last detail published in today's page 3?
Why is it that failing in class is the ultimate in "cool". You try and problem...but honestly, there are plenty who dont try simply because it will spoil their image and coolness and popularity (and stupidity).

And next on the endangered list is intelligent conversation. Its almost extinct and if one were to use words of more than two syllables, one is greeted with blank faces. I could have been speaking latin with the same effect!

The fact remains that actually i am an ignoramus.
I am not a nerd...youre just stupid. :-P

Friday, April 3, 2009

The Werewolf's Call

Companionless, I walked alone
the harsh winter wind chilling me to the bone
for the fire that was within me, had all but died out
the day with him, you started going out. 
upon my honour, i could not believe
that life could play a trick like this, making all seem so bleak

as i gazed at the full moon, eclipsed by a cloud
twas but a reflection of how the hopes in my heart
were covered with a shroud
almost unconsciously,
i joined the werewolves howl against the full moon
and its false promises of hope...which turned to despair to be followed by gloom.

however, should you even remember me, dearest!
in my heart, you will always be the one i hold nearest.

when you return as i know you will have to, 
i wil be running the forest on all fours.
but your gentle touch and soft velvet kiss
will turn me back from this monster, 
... and nothing will be amiss.
