4. Indoor people - You say its not nice for us to be indoor people. That instead of staring at a screen all day and spoiling our eyes and becoming obese, we should go out and play. What happens when we attempt that? You, yes you hae a problem with that too. Apparently, we break your flower pots. Here's the catch. The pots are in the middle of the playing area. Of course they break. Why dont you do your gardening in your own homes instead of encroaching upon public property? Then you complain that we break your windows. That may happen once in a while, i agree but then you are the guys who plan the housing and development,...not us. Plan sensibly so that there is a place for the kids to play....You dont let us play and then you complain how all we do is sit inside all day long.
EDIT (to add more points as Amanat has pointed out dated 21/03/'09):
5.Maturity regarding career path - Just how dumb do you think we are? And in case you have an extremely low opinion of our IQ or thinking capabilities, just remind yourself that its your grey cells we have inherited...we didnt buy out brains from the supermarket...we got them from you and if you think we dont have any, then...well..you get the idea dont you?
Teens, by the time they have to make a career choice are not only well aware of a wide array of careers available, they are also well aware of how much these careers pay, how much is their inclination/aptitude for these careers and the path to reach that career goal. So, instead of trying to emphasise on your all round knowlege, just guide us by playing along and helping us out when we ask you for help instead of trying to opinionate us before you even know what we are thinking of pursuing. Believe me, we know that you wont be there to feed us forever and we need to make a living. And given the prevailing adult opnion of how much kids expect (e.g. cool cell phones, random movies, branded clothes only etc...etc...), i should think you would realise that we are very much worried about our future. So, give us a break allright. We CAN think and decide for ourselves and all you have to do is give the QC (Quality Check) stamp.
6.Techno Freaks - Belive me, its not being a techno freak that matters. Its just knowing enough to be able to tell when the phone comapny is trying to cram your bills and why your computer wont start. Thats just technological GK. DFew of us are obsessed enough with technology to give it much conscious thought. Most of us (especially more so the girls) have have better things to do (like watch a game of football, or even better...play a game for the boys, beautify themselves or talk on the phone for the girls). The reason you feel we are addicted to technology is because we have grown up with the technology and can relate to it much better than you. For you, a black and white TV may have been a rare thing in your days of growing up, but for us, its a rare thing because people now use HDTV or Plasma TV. A color TV is owned by even people living in slums. So, grow up and start acting you age. Youre supposed to be mature adults. Act that way.
Any other problem you have with us teens, id like to hear them. Any point i have missed (im sure to have missed plenty), feel free to post a comment abd i shall presently counter the adults point of view. As an arrogant know-it-all teenager it is my right and i shall gladly excercise it.