Thursday, March 12, 2009

In Defence of Teenagers (Part 1) a surly arrogant teenager.
I think i know everything and this entry is just to prove that point. All you adults have your serious ego problems dont you, in accepting that, maybe, just maybe, it is possible that you may be wrong and i, although younger than you, may be correct....
Lets dissect what you disagree with me on...
According to you, teenagers are - 

1. RUDE- Excuse me sir, but im sorry to disagree with you. We have bad apples in every lot but the majority of us (atleast the ones i know), you will find, are waaaay politer than you "polite well behaved adults". Its only when you blatanly refuse to even hear our side of the argument that we are compelled to scream..just to get ourselves heard. And for the record, the upcoming generation...the one thats five years younger than me...are becoming headstrong, arrogant, jerks. They think no end of themselves and get away with a lot of stuff simply becuase they still look cute. Instead of spending your time and energies denouncing us teens who acoording to you are apparently "beyomd hope", show them the way to go.

2. ARROGANT - Sure...its part of the package and I am reminded of my arrogance once every day at the very least. What i find amazing is the source of this impression of arrogance. You adults say something. I know its factually flawed. You refuse to listen to me when i give you the solution to your problem. After a few trials you see that i was right. I smile. Hence i am arrogant. So being correct makes me arrogant. And heaven help me if i turn out to be wrong.
And please, lets not start about the technology point of view. I call up my ISP and pinpoint the problem why my net is down and how to fix it and what does the customer service guy say? "Sir, please delete cookies, clear cashe and try again"...I mean...I know the problem. I just told you...quit wasting my time and fix it. I just told you how to fix it as well. After a long drawn out procedure, it will turn out i am right again. This is just one example. There are many others from various aspects of life. Give us some credit. We are dodos, but not completely ignorant fools. We do know some things. 

3. LANGUAGE - You seem to have a major problem with the language we use. Apparently its too abusive and the rest. Lets see where we picked it up from shall we?
Me and a group of my 'uncool, uncivilised barbaric' friends used to play football (ill explain why its the past tense in another entry). Ages varied from 6 years at the youngest to fourteen at the eldest. The 6yr old hit the football from the end of a 50 yard field and it hit this obese aunty who had refused to listen to our requests and move out of the field (Its probably because we requested that she didnt listen. The cool kids say "fat lady, get lost before you get hit. Cant you  see we're playting here?"). The ball rolled and hit her with all the force it may have had after rolling 50 yards when hit by a 6 year old. The language she treated us to was delightful. I had never before heard so many expletives and so many ways to use them.
 Ask yourselves, if during the formative years of 6 to 14, this is the language we are treated to, is it any wonder that we use it ourselves?

That shall be enough for now. I shall continue this later.

DISCLAIMER: "Teens" and "adults" here has been generalised in response to the generalisation done by most adults as "all teens are arrogant fools with their head up in the air and all they do is spout bad language". This is my defense of those of us, who actually try to be good and for the most part succeed.

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